Feb 19, 2008

What happened to Labor day?

Is Labor Day was honor of natural childbirth?

No one remembers Mother Jones or Susan B. Anthony's part in unions. The time when presidents fought to prevent agreements from causing wage-price inflation is long gone. The era when more than a third of the American workforce was unionized is rarely spoken of.

Remember Bloody Sunday in Ireland? That was peaceful workers marching for labor rights, murdered in cold blood. Wasn't that was just yesterday when we all sat glued to our televisions, wondering how this could happen in this modern world? Now we sit complacent knowing all about slave labor practices both here and abroad. For what? A piece of card-board furniture bought at Wal-mart? How long is that pair of shoes made in China going to last on your over-worked, under-paid feet?

Now fewer than 8 percent of America’s workers are union, most of us work or have Labor Day off without pay.

What happened? Was it when Ronald Reagan fired the nation’s air-traffic controllers for striking - something He had no legal right to do - Did he finally legitimize corporate union busting?

There’s no question that,ever since companies have fired workers for trying to form unions, (even though that’s illegal) and have used or threatened to use permanent replacements if workers go on strike - which is legal but was unheard of before the that douche bag Regan.

Which brings me to the question what the hell are we so afraid of? Why can't we all band together? Isn't there more power in numbers? Really, what have we got to loose? A back-breaking job with little pay and no benefits? Are we letting our children raise themselves for this? What kind of example are we setting?

It is time, my co-workers to rise up! It is time to scream from the rooftops of Keene, Hatfield and Brattleboro "I DESERVE A DECENT LIVING!" Corporate Fat-cats will no longer force feed my children impossible dreams of Paris Hilton's fairy tale life, while working me like a dog! RISE UP GOD-DAMNED IT, RISE UP! DO IT FOR YOUR CHILDREN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh My God this is soooooooo inspiring! There are others at C&S who are thinking the very same way. I can't wait to get involved!