Read all about how At the time they were hired, the Defendant C&S told Plaintiffs and the class of C&S incentive workers that their earning potential was extremely high, as the company would pay them for the actual amount of “pieces” that the worker and his team selected. What Defendant C&S did not disclose, however, was that the company had devised a sweat-shop scheme to avoid paying its incentive workers their actual regular and overtime earnings.
click here for the full document
Feb 18, 2008
Another C&S Wholesale lawsuit
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The new engineered labor standards are a way to get free work out of hard working employees that work the hardest and give newer (and slower) employess a piece of that money to flush out older and knowledgeable employees that know of such things like labor laws and what is a fair wage. This company won't be happy until it employs only high school dropouts and people that don't speak english. They are going to take all these people right to the fortune 500 bank!
Last year at this time I was making $30/hr at 9 cents a case. This year I am making $20/hr on the Red Prairie standards, while picking more boxes than i did before. The supervisors deceived us by telling us that the standards were going to give us an increase in pay, but when reality hit and we all took a pay cut, they told us if we don't like the new system then quit. I have been working for C&S for over 6 years. I think I deserve more respect and understanding from supervision. Reality is, we are all expendable and they rather have 50 new guys who don't know any better than 50 veterans who know they should be getting paid more
This is, without a doubt, the worst company I have ever worked for in my 30+ years in trucking and warehousing! they have not fulfilled 1 single promise they made to the sacramento Teamsters and ILWU workers that transfered to Stockton when the Sac warehouse closed. They have harassed the sac transferes on their production starting on day 1 even though the majority of us had no selecting experience. They started writing warning letters on the very first day after going to great lengths to explain their 8 week ramp up schedule.
They have denied most of the workers comp claims and have fired at least 6 while out on comp. This is just the kind of dishonest underhanded tactics that these scumbags are using to push the older more experienced workers out and replace them with undereducated inexperienced new hires at entry level wages.
They advertised that they have "Braggingly happy customers and employees" Well I can speak for hundreds of C&S employees nationwide who know that is BULLSHIT!!!!
I have now been on the RedPrairie system for five months and it is by far the biggest money saving rip off this company has ever conceived. Five months ago i was making 30$ per hour working at a pace that i had been working at for years, then pow down to 23$ per hour working harder than i ever have. I've been throwing boxes for this company for 15 years, and the lying and deceiving that has been going on makes me sick. All this company wants is to get rid of the more senior employees that know whats going on and bring in young kids who haven't a clue. From the beginning we were lied to about the new labor standards, and how we were going to benefit from them, BULLSHIT !!
ii agree with you all C&S has to be the biggest group of snakes ive ever worked for in my life ive been selecting in maryland for a year and a half now and their ethics are a joke...i should be making 25 dollars an hour now instead im forced to work even harder for 20$ picking well over 300 cases an hour.i dont know how the management sleeps at night knowing how they fuck over people every day we need to have a nationwide walkout on these fuckers
it's not too bad of a place to be honest. They actually pay pretty well, much more than many other firms.
I work at the newburgh branch and see it as the single worst warehouse in 20 years of warehouse work.the ipping,enviroment is terrible,the vibe is one of a pure prison,and the mgt. has no clue.
the way they work the red praire system,they way they constanlty fire the good workers..,and hire basically anyone,or criminals,...the system they have for freight mgt,shipping,picking,is down right awful,dirty,unsafe,crazy atmosphere.
worst place to ever work,cant wait to get out,straight out of prison movie.dont work there!!!!
cool,someone else knows and seen fist hand how bad the newburgh warehouse in ny is.
all u mention is totally true,unsafe place to work.the shipping section especially have no clue how to mangage the space,thus push freigh down aisles,making pick,hi low smart.
also the red praire system totally is bogus.dont know if many in other warehouses know this,but at newburgh,the employees do tricks to get even near crap,and the place from moment walked in,bathrooms,break room,all of it is disgusting.
people all are angry,and cant wait to leave,or even get fired on purpose.that bad.
also,worst,unsafe machines,that mostly never work,and guns,lxe that are total crap.very nice by such huge wonder most employees dont even shop at place they supply.I hope it closes,and the robot system fails.good riddance.
newburgh does suck,we went to ny to help out,swat,and found it to be joke.they seem to like to have it bad,and maybe on purpose lose stores??loss like 15 early this year,and guy in ny called me,said 13 more.guess its going great!!
was free money for me,did not much,and got paid hotel,car,etc.
we came in,trained good guys,but knew they would leave,not stick,due to horrible work place.
in mass,.we got it good.
newburgh,rot in hell.real hell hole.
un safe,dirty,parole workers,etc/yup,prison.
oh,and red praire cheating all of us I guess,nice./ttl. crap company.wish to move on,but make too much.
All I know is my husband is one of the employees that transferred from Sacramento to Stockton he now drives 2 hours to and from work everyday uses more gas,makes less money pays more for health care, works harder than he ever has to meet unreasonable standards that someone who has never done the job before has set, and gets treated worse than he has.Let me just say I think this company is making a big mistake by getting rid of the senior employees than know the jobs.My husband has missed more family time because of this job which is OK but, this company could care less about the sacrifices its employees have make to take care of it's customers.C&S you might be saving money by some of the changes you have made but,you should be ashamed of yourself as an employer.You get more with sugar than you do vinegar.Take care of the people first and you will be in business for many years to come.God bless all of you that have stuck it out with C&S.
Don't be ungrateful. All you selectors sound the same always complaining about your pay like some greedy leeches. Before red prairie was installed selectors still complained. Even if the case rate was a dollar a case selectors would still complain like a bunch of babies. Union? You guys would still complain. Pay cut? Try working 60 hours on salary! The thing I don't get about you guys is that you are making more money now than ever before and are still not satisfied. Get your facts straight. The average selector makes more money with standards than without it. You should all kiss Rick Cohen's ass and thank him for making us the best.
Gee... this statement REALLY CRACKS ME UP!!! your probably some supervisor or manager that makes entirely to much for what you are doing... not to mention you probably haven't even picked a case in your life.... im pretty sure if you were working 6 out of the 7 days of the week busting your ass for 12+ hours to barely make percentage you would be bitching as well..not to mention our old quota was 2850 for 10 hrs now if we pick that we are barely at 80& some guys are picking 3500+ and are barely at 100%
from what i see BEFORE C&S Management started what i will consider taking over ES3 York it was a ""decent"" place to work.... but since the "o0o so wonderful Red Prairie System" we can barely stand to even wake up in the morning knowing we have to go into that place....
if anyone should be kissing anyone's ass.... Rick Cohen should be kissing ours for sticking it out and making him a million/billionaire
Hey Guys.
what aisle is that Vaseline in?? We are gunna need it....
They brainwash those who don't know any better and try to intimidate those who really know what's going on. They opress us until we can't take it no more, then they simply replace us. You don't have a choice but to do what they tell you. Work 6 days, 14 hours a day, pick more cases for less money. C&S is like a communist regime run by dictators. You have no rights once you walk into your facility. What ever happened to braggingly happy employees or having fun in the process? I'm afraid to even complain about how bad the standards are because I might get fired. Rick Cohen knows how bad most of us need our jobs so he is using our will to survive against us by manipulating the standards and getting more work out of us for less money.
C&S= Corruption & Slavery
I just got fired from this company for trying to change my chedule for every other day.. I was working there for 5 weeks selecting, busting my ass and never hit 100%. Which is bullshit, i even clocked my self and finished each assinment 5-10 minutes early and all i got was 70 the highest..I was barely seeing my family and friends or doing stuff around at the house cause i was always in pain and tired. So then i started sleeping in the parking lot for couple hours and then drive home an hour and a half..get home for 3 hours to eat, take a shower, and then back to work.. On my last week i asked them to change my schedule to everyother day cause i need the rest.I almost crashed my car on the way home the other day coming from work. So they told me they will work things out with me and help me out. 3 supervisors send me to one asshole that told me we r letting..they fired me for no reason.. fuck this company dont even work there.. its dirty,its a sweat shop with no air system, and they treat you like ur in prison. Shut up and go pick thats what i was told by one of the coaches. Thats how they help you.. ur fired.
WE here in South Carolina at the Mauldin warehouse are feeling the pain too. They said " you are making to much money on night shift and are going to send red flags up so we are cutting your pay". We on night shift have to split are money with day shift that only work a half day, where we work 10 hours + a night. my husband even had a vaction day planned and aproved, but now they said he can not have it off and has to work or get wrote up. So my husband asked for a different day off to make my three day weekend and they told him no b/c another person had that day off. Only one person can be off for any given day. my husband was told that he is the best slip operater in The EAST by a big wig from the north who watches the driver unload the trucks. he told the supervisers at the Mauldin warehouse to give him a raise. the laughed and said ok. When the big wig left they gave me a gym bag with the C&S logo and said here is your raise. This place sucks and My husband hate working there.
How can we get a new lawsuit started. Or something done about the way the workers are paid.
Supervisor got 2% raise,and the union guys got 7%. Talk about a slap in the face. Why does the bosses make less money than the guys they are over. Were promised bonuses and and NEVER received one.
Like Bruce told the supervisor "Nothing Good Happens After Midnight"
Braggling UNHAPPY!
Es3 is unlocking unbelievable. Forcing guys to go from $27 an hour to $13 an hour in a year. Upper management is destroying the company. They make people hate the place so much that it almost seems as though they want someone to burn the place to the ground
I'm in Newburgh and it's horrible.
A group of us are working on starting a UNION. At first we were scared.
But now we see we have nothing to lose.
i worked in the pathmark warehouse from 1980 till this greedy rick coen closed them in feb 2011 because he has to make more money 20 billon is not enough i was in the union but if the union couldnot save my job what do you think not being in the union would do he had to shut 6 warehouses to get rid of us i hope he get his [what goes around comes around]no won should ever work for this man ever and see what he can make bucause he cares for only on thing a dollar and he uses you i learend a good lesson here only wish i could see him face to face louie
I, Antonovschi Lilian would like to explain the incident that happened to me at Westfield C&S Wholesale MA.I started work at 6:00AM as usual without any pain in the back. One of the orders I received was in the 69th isle where mostly frozen meat is located in big boxes. As I approached slot 38 in isle 69 and as I picked up a box I felt very sharp pain in my lower back. A nearby selector approached me and asked me if I was alright. In pain I finished picking up the last of the boxes.Around 8 o’clock I was in Buddy Martin’s office, considering my poor English another selector,(----), was present to translate. Buddy Martin said, “Perhaps you came to work in the morning with back pain?” trying to convince me of that. He claimed it was impossible for such sharp and strong pain to be a result of simply picking up a box, often using the words “it’s impossible!” But I kept insisting that they offer me medical help. Finally Buddy Martin stopped trying to change my mind and suggested I take a drug test and sign some paperwork about the incident to which I agreed.
incident that happened to me at Westfield C&S Wholesale MA .As I was still in Buddy Martin’s office another supervisor, Jim Klain, entered the room and dropped a sticky note on the floor and asked me to pick it up trying to test me. After that we all exited the office and more supervisors approached me and the manager, Bogdan Luczyk, as well. Bogdan Luczyk started yelling at me saying that he has seen the video of my accident and that if I ever return to work he will personally follow me everywhere I go and make sure I do my work properly. I felt abused and humiliated in front of my co-workers and supervisors being yelled at by Bogdan all while ignoring my pain and not offering me any medical help. At around 12 o’clock we were finally on our way to the hospital. As Buddy Martin, and I were leaving the building we approached a whiteboard that had “46 Days without accident” written on it, Buddy erased the number and told me that it’s all my fault, and because of me “we have to start from the beginning”. Buddy Martin told me that calling an ambulance to the work place would be too expensive and because of company policy we would have to drive separate cars. Buddy Martin and (---) drove together and I drove alone
I, Antonovschi Lilian would like to explain the incident that happened to me at Westfield C&S Wholesale MA .To this day I do not posses any copies of the record of the accident. I asked C&S Wholesale for the copies of the record in front of many selectors and cameras. C&S Wholesale insurance stopped paying for my treatment due to insufficient evidence that the accident occurred at work. Also I was never compensated for my disability to work. I was given some papers to sign for disability from C&S Wholesale and I was told that if I sign that the accident did not happen at work I will receive $250 a week for disability, I refused to sign the papers and asked for the record of the accident, Buddy Martin turned around and walked away. After that I have come back to C&S on numerous occasions and the staff and management have always ignored and avoided me. I am simply amazed and greatly disappointed at their actions towards me, their unprofessional methods and complete disregard for my well being.
I have a strong belief that if this accident happened to a citizen or someone more fluent in the English language the companies’ approach would be greatly different. I lost a great deal of mobility due to the pain in my lower back. There are many things I simply cannot do anymore due to the accident. The worst part is that I feel that if I ever recover I will not be able to go back to work considering the harassment and abuse I endured from the management. I feel nothing short of being discriminated against.I speak RUSSIAN and email
WESTFIELD C&S MA.In 2010 the company has cut employee payments due to the countries economic struggle.For example, to wrap a pallet before 2010 was given 9 seconds to complete, but the new standards state it must be done in 4 seconds.Selectors have boycotted for 2 weeks the new policies, by working the mining amount required before you get fired (previous to this many selectors did more than 100%). Before the boycott in the end of the working day when the selectors would return the equipment, the supervisors would always compliment and tell the workers “good job”. But during the boycott for 2 weeks the supervisors wouldn’t even say hello or speak to any of the selectors at all. One of the managers found out that the employees have been talking about joining a Union and he tried convincing the employees that the Union would only shut down C and S and was asking people not to leave the job.
WESTFIELD MA C&S.I have nothing to change in my previous statement in regards to how I was treated. An interesting fact to consider is the surveillance video of the accident I had on the 10th of August 2010. My attorney and OSHA have requested the video tape of the accident and C and S has denied the existence of the tape. Now C and S claims they have the video for MCAD and would gladly provide them with a copy if requested. I would like to see that video myself, from 6:00 AM to 1:00 PM. In the response C and S has provided they do not mention Jim Klain at all, which dropped note pads on the floor mocking and taunting my injury. During OSHA’s investigatory visit to C and S in regards to my claim, Jim Klain has left his position for some time (around one month) and than came back. C and S has pressured the person that translated for me on the day of my accident as well. On the day of OSHA’s visit Mr.Martin called (another selector, and my translator) and explained that he will teach Sergey how to properly speak with OSHA so they not to raise any concerns
WESTFIELD MA, C&S.I am shocked and appalled by the response and the actions that C and S has claimed it to be their “standard procedure” to intimidate their employees after an accident. The actions of the company have humiliated me and they express absolutely no responsibility or justification.After about three weeks of the day of my accident, Robert Martin was conducting a morning meeting where he brought up my accident to the employees, making fun of me and joking about what happened., explaining the it was nothing serious. October 29th 2010 C and S has been named the “Safest Building in the Company”. It said that in the company bulletin, saying that they have “surpassed the New England Record of 123 consecutive days without an OSHA Recordable Accident” - Handbill, A Bulletin of Current Events. It seems to me that it was more important for the company to keep their “safe” day streak instead of take care of my well being.
Regarding the conversation with Bogdan Luczyk, there was no conversation, he was simply yelling at me saying that he would follow me around and make sure I do everything right.
WESTFIELD MA,This incident with C and S has altered my perception of America, freedom and equal rights. For 5 months after the accident I was living in fear, left without my full health, and ability to provide for my family; my wife and two kids. My co-workers, knowing the difficult situation I was in, would visit me and help, each with what they could; some would help with food and others with finances. Due to this incident my wife has suffered from anxiety disorder, she had a panic attack on the 23rd of October 2010.
To this day my wife and I don’t know what will happen to us and our family. Considering such gross conduct by C and S I am appalled that this is happening in the U.S. However I hope, believe and pray that justice will prevail. At this point I am ready to let any source of the media aware of what is happening in C and S Wholesales and how their employees are being treated. My email
Call the Teamsters if you want fair treatment from your employer or keep things the same
I have worked for C&S for six months now , and what a joke this place is the red prarie shit is the worst system i think you could devise. The safety there is a joke along with the management. In the 6 months i have been there 5 people have been injured including myself. One even lost a finger
The degradation of the C&S management team is inevitable. This is simply due to your poor leadership. Let’s face the facts Ricky.
You can’t afford to move the
cases again. What’s taking place up the I-91 corridor could have been prevented with better planning by a 5th grader.
The people don’t trust any of you, anymore and are sick of the lackluster performance from your management team. The people want a Union, and it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when we get in!
CS Has just taken over Dry Grocery Operation at Giant Food in Jessup Maryland.We went on Sunday May 1 2011 to vote on a new contract that expires on May 13 2011.CS came to us with a take it or leave it deal.CS threaten to close the dry grocery operation if we did not take certain concession. Which was a three dollar an hour pay cut take away half our sick leave so we go from 12 to six they also took a weeks vacation from everyone.They also took away all of our personal holidays seven.They also is changing our incident program to make it worse.They also is going to change our wms standard to make it harder for selectors and forklift drivers.We also now have to pay 25% of our health care.I have worked in dry grocery for 25 years never we had so much taken away this company just want to do as they have been doing in all of there other warehouses when are we going to stand up and fight.Our union Leadership team told us this was the best deal possible.The company also offered some buy out options and some severance packages.They just want all the senior people out and get more newer less experiance people in place to do what they do screw the working class people.I wish everyone the best who is staying with CS.Because its time to move on.
C&S is the worst company on the face of the earth. They act like they want us to hate them.
We All need to stop working for one day!!!!
It's that simple. They can't work with-out people.
We control C&S if we stick together.
New cheer: C&S is a mess!!! LOL
I used to work at the newburgh building when it was still ok. I was wondering about a few things though, I spoke to a former newburgh c&s guy at a different warehouse job and he said there was some extra money they got in the mail from some lawsuit in spring/summer 2009 - is this true and does anyone have more info? he said they got a letter in the mail about it and later got a check or added to a check.
also, if anyone has the full name and any other info on the trainer/manager known as "Chip" from the newburgh night shift, i'd appreciate it - not sure if he still works there but he was still there on night shift in 2009.
thanks and good luck finding new work everybody - tell everyone you know to stay away from c&s, i've saved a few people myself already.
p.s. is there any contact email for this site?
CHIP is probably at an AA meeting. What a joke! Him having that job explains what's wrong with C&S.
Only thing he's good at is getting DUI'S!! What a loser. Can't stand him. He lied on me to save his job. I asked him should I pick some cases and he said YES. The description was close. Auditing hit me for mis-picks. I told them Chip OK'd it. They brought him down there and he said he didn't remember the conversation! I hope they fired him for being a P.O.S
ES3 York pay OK. I'm not a selector.
But this Kiss ASS Rule lives on here too. As far as benefits THEY SUCK
If you talk Union your fired.
These high school drop outs and ex con ect believe that he will close before letting a union in. They have mega million in Automation here.
In Md our management sucks we have a new gm and this Moron don't have a clue. Very arrogant and ignorant not to mention been with the company for less then 2 yrs. And our ops manager has been there for 2yrs and dont know any more then he did when he started and hes part of a crew of walmart rejects that we have in management. We have sups always on their cell phones n listening to ipods i thought those things werent allowed on the floor.? But let me forget to use a shroud and u can bet your ass im in trouble The red prairie is a bunch of shit for lifts and selectors. Lifts usto make 23 plus an hour and nowl they are capped @125% selectors gusto pick 300 cs/ hr for 24/ hr now they want 400 plus for dairy n deli for 15/ hr. wtf is that fair. Oh and the health care is horrible. It goes up every year but as a selector or lift I cant get a raise to cover the increase because I am incentive its all a joke this place is a sweat shop
Es3 York benifts suck CBS Caremark is a joke so is Etna. Talk about a company that cares nothing about employees. The HR department is a joke. The emplooyees have no rights. You might as well live in a socialist country. The have the people so bullshitwd and scared of a union. Another republican and corporate ploy.
Hell, You guys sound like we do at Americold! Same shit,different warehouse. I have been working for ovver 30 years and Americold is the worst employer I have ever worked for. Now thanks to your comments I know not to move to ES3 or C&S!!!
how does the red prairie system work I see the slower people getting done while the fastest can get done what's up with that..
Hi all,
i feel so sorry for you guys. I am in england and our warehouse has just taken on the red prairie system. I at the moment am not on it but my chill dept goes live in june. I have used the red prairie a couple of times in the other dept and find it so hard. It is basically a stock control system, not a picking system. At the moment the guys are allowed to pick 80% and they are struggling to do that figure yet the management are putting the rate up to 100% pretty soon and i don't think there is any way i can do that figure at my age. I have been with my company nearly 30 years and it was a great job but no more. They have just started pulling people in for their pick figures for not getting 80% yet they are picking more and working harder than before and getting no bonus. This red prairie really does suck. It has destroyed our workplace.I really don't know where we go from her. the union says there is nothing they can do but none of the union stewards on the shop floor have to pick. I think all us old timers will soon be on the dole queues.
C&S = Cheat & Steal
I work for a manufacturing company and they ALWAYS deduct large sum of money off invoice. They are known for that in the industry very unethical company
ES3 is a joke. They just cut the times on assignments by 21%. If you were making 24-25$ an hour your now making 4-6$ less. They are turning it into slave labor.
I wish i knew the truth about this company sooner. They made so many bullshit promises that if I had been asking them to put it in writing all this time, I would have a whole book of their lies. ES3 York is a nightmare to us, and probably a dream come true for rick cohen. We've been mistreated and deceived so badly so many times that now its reached the point where we just take anything they do to us
Work for C & S Newburgh, and as many say here is hell, we are forced to work days of 13 hours, and we have to make 100% a week, something that is impossible because all equipment are old cables Jennifer VoicePlus not connect well, the software is out of upgrade and pallet jack are as old dinosaurs , we stopped to grab breaks to vaguely reach the coveted 100% start at 9 PM the managers are going to sleep in the morning 7 am and we have to keep piking boxes until 10 am and then return at 9pm tired like ell and then they ask for 100% performance this is shit.
I work For Supervalu in Tacoma WA and we are now on the Red Praire system as well and I have never been worked so hard to be 2 hours down a day in my life. I am in the Teamsters union 117 and THEY won't do shit for us either so just because you have a union doesn't mean they are going to help you. I am a 31 year old single dad who just bought his 1st home, I have full custody of my boy and now I am afraid I am going to lose everything. No matter how hard I work or try I just can't do it. I feel like I am 50! Red Praire should be ashamed of themselves for these BULLSHIT standards.
UNIONS ARE DYING...only matter of time that. your time will end....lots of lazy people in unions protect the lowesst of low.....
I am a displaced older worker Ihad 31 yrs with C&S in brattleboro when the ax fell on me a year ago last month as part of the operation clean sweep I was set up to be pushed out the door and slimey Simpkins was eager and willing to please scum bag Patch and his corperate masters. Cohen used to tell his 1981 hires how we were the guys who helped C&S grow and we would always have ajob. and now with only 2 yrs till retirement my ass is out on the street.
thank you Mr. Cohen I can only hope what goes around comes around.
I have lots of stuff on alot of people at C&S and would love to share it with everyone after 31 yrs. Believe it when I tell you you will not need a special access password to access the stuff I know about the Cohen family and the senior management team particularly about Greg PAtch remember Jason Hall. yes indeed if I knew anyone was listening out there. what I know would hurt a lot of people at C&S.
tell me you are listening and I will keep rapping.
ITS all about getting the work done cheaper and thats how quality suffers when cohen wakes up and sees his customer base evaporate like big y he is going to realize that Johnson and Charlton along with the red prairy system will cost him big bucks. right now he is not paying attention he is preocupied with case pick robotics.
Perry Cohen is ajoke she will run this company into the ground and he knows it. the only thing she knows is how to spend the old mans money. she is detached from the real world and is a loser.
Come to corporate, it's the same.Only the the special ones get promoted.
The Disilvas ran groceries for COHEN for years helping him top build his busness they ran where no one else could for him and this is how he thanks them giving the busness to J B Hunt. lets hope the teamsters get 50% of the cards sighned over the road and in the bratt. warehouse if Cohen wants to close the doors let him do it.
The time is now we need to take a stand.
All the brothers in battleboro are saddened by the loss of brother Craig Shoppmann he will be missed and believe it he hated C@S.
I have been in C&S for a couple of years now... As an hourly employee... Nothing but good things about the company so far...
Hi. I'm new to this. I've been a truck driver for Winn Dixie in Jacksonville, FL for 15 years. We were told this week that C&S is taking over effective 16June,2013.
These posts are scaring the shit out of me. Can someone tell me what to expect when they take over. Should I start looking for another job or just ride it out and see what happens. Thanks, Future ex-Winn Dixie driver
I Have been with C&S Wholesale Grocers Westfield,ma
9+ years I have been talked down on and disrespected in more ways than I can remember every year I make less and less and have to pick more red prairie cares nothing of the labor work force many selectors in our facility believe they have showed C&S management ways to manipulate our times to pay us less who should we contact to get the proper investigation done ?
Here is my story:
I was gonna tell you the whole shebang, but I dont feel like writing a novel right now so ill keep it simple.
I gave this company 5 years of my life. It was 5 years I would give my right eye to get back!!
In that five years I have held 3 different positions In 2010 They fazed out my position at the Chester NY Facility (which was 5 minutes from where I live) and forced me to travel a half hour away to the Newburgh Facility. They eventually phased it out altogether. I accepted a new position in Spring 2012, and guess what happens in August 2012 yep phased out again. I accepted yet another position and a pay cut just to stay with the company that continuously screwed me.
I should point out that I always applied to move up within the company. I always showed interest in new positions that came up and really did try to better myself and move throughout the company.
What happened to me recently was the final straw.
I had been attempting to get back over to Symbotic Department(where I had worked Previously) as a Bot Handler, or Cell Operator. I interviewed several times but was always passed up. After a long 8 month period of being strung along applying, interviewing, not selected, applying, interviewing not selected, you get the idea, I was approached by a Manager and told I had no shot of getting back over there nice huh!!
But my story doesnt end there. A bit of good fortune did come my way in the form of a new employment offer, with a company that truly does want to see you grow. I resigned from C&S for good this past June! At Long last the bull shit was over, or so I thought!!
According to pay roll I was going to be paid out my vacation, and personal time that i didnt use. Should have been somewhere around 900.00. Guess What It wasnt deposited with my final check. I called payroll and they told me most likely it will be the week after. Guess what wasnt there the week after. I have been calling Payroll, HR, and Corporate Incessantly, and they never get back to me. So the company that screwed me for five years continues to do so even after Im gone, but they will not get away with this I will take Legal Action if need be. Little do they know I have Legal Coverage.
In Closing avoid this company at all costs!! This is easily the most evil, shady, conniving company that I Know!!
Here is my story:
I was gonna tell you the whole shebang, but I dont feel like writing a novel right now so ill keep it simple.
I gave this company 5 years of my life. It was 5 years I would give my right eye to get back!!
In that five years I have held 3 different positions In 2010 They phased out my position at the Chester NY Facility (which was 5 minutes from where I live) and forced me to travel a half hour away to the Newburgh Facility. They eventually phased it out altogether. I accepted a new position in Spring 2012, and guess what happens in August 2012 yep phased out again. I accepted yet another position and a pay cut just to stay with the company that continuously screwed me.
I should point out that I always applied to move up within the company. I always showed interest in new positions that came up and really did try to better myself and move throughout the company.
What happened to me recently was the final straw.
I had been attempting to get back over to Symbotic Department(where I had worked Previously) as a Bot Handler, or Cell Operator. I interviewed several times but was always passed up. After a long 8 month period of being strung along applying, interviewing, not selected, applying, interviewing not selected, you get the idea, I was approached by a Manager and told I had no shot of getting back over there nice huh!!
But my story doesnt end there. A bit of good fortune did come my way in the form of a new employment offer, with a company that truly does want to see you grow. I resigned from C&S for good this past June! At Long last the bull shit was over, or so I thought!!
According to pay roll I was going to be paid out my vacation, and personal time that i didnt use. Should have been somewhere around 900.00. Guess What It wasnt deposited with my final check. I called payroll and they told me most likely it will be the week after. Guess what wasnt there the week after. I have been calling Payroll, HR, and Corporate Incessantly, and they never get back to me. So the company that screwed me for five years continues to do so even after Im gone, but they will not get away with this I will take Legal Action if need be. Little do they know I have Legal Coverage.
In Closing avoid this company at all costs!! This is easily the most evil, shady, conniving company that I Know!!
I worked in Aberdeen the most unsafe job you'll ever have..people r hurt everyday..the dude sterling is a good ass trainer but some of the other ones r was the worst job i ever had..i swear they should use that job as punishment instead of prison they need a union bad.
p.s. make a "how to cheat red prairie"blog that a do em some good!
This could not be more true They come in with all these phony promises and they are lying the whole time I work in yorktown Indiana And the person they sent in to lie to us is Walter Ike Kramer. If you are in a position to vote these people out do so with every thing you have. They will lie right to your face
My ne is Brian Beard I work inYorktown Indiana and this is the worst cpany in America I swear it
I mean this with every ounce of my soul run away from this company or stay and fight with everything you have. They will draw you in with the lies of Ike Kramer and then take everything you have
What about Jason Hall?
he s a jew
say no more
You can't cheat . they are the ones cheating our pay thats y its called c&s =cheating and stealing or like someone else told me c&s = corruption and slavery
Must be a kiss ass supervisor
C&s is the worst, dirty company , no moral standards, why the government don't do something about! They should be exposed tv , news etc !!! Don't trust them neither work for them ever !! They will rip you off!!
Soo true ! We are on 2015 , same bullshit , now they are trying to do the same in N.J Same BULLSHIT !! Why government don't do something about , they lie and keep doing something for years !! What is the government waiting for!!#
Word is that a member of management at the Westfield, MA C&S was walked out by police! This person was someone whom was entirely disliked at the facility, and it apparently involved a sexual harassment case that someone won against this person. Just goes to show ya... what goes around comes around, eh, B.L.?
I can see that you are putting a lot of efforts into your blog. Keep posting the good work. Some really helpful information in there. Nice to see your site.
Herbal Potpourri
Long time C&S er here. Getting out was the best decision I ever made. I started as a selector and ended as a high level manager. Sat in many many meetings where Ops guys openly discriminated against women, minorities, and older folks. The entire design of the payroll is to create turnover so a Union can't form. Its by design. And worked. There is no loyalty to the workforce.
Every employee in the company should stop working on July 1st as a nod to the American worker who Rick has helped destroy...all while making himself the 95th richest man in the world (yahoo...look it up.
How's that broken down lift/sit down/pallet jack/water fountain/break room/bathroom treating you?
C&S only cares about 1 thing. How much money they are worth at the end of the current year. I worked for a company that had an established clientele and all they cared about was how they could gut the whole company. My people lost their union benefits which included health insurance and pension contributions thanx to the spineless union rep we had. My advice is when c&s comes to town, change jobs before you get forced out. Remember the union can't save you if they throw you under the bus like they did in Robesonia, Pa. Make sure you have a better union rep than the one we had in Robesonia. Good luck to you.
These are the best comments I have ever read. A bunch of people with no education complaining about a company that pays them based on how hard they work. Wonderful. They got rid of case rate because it was to costly. If any of you actually followed the industry you work in, food wholesaling is a thing of the past. Most grocery stores have realized that the only way they can stay competitive is by operating their own warehouses. You should go work for one of them, majority of which you will probably cap out at about $18 an hour to pick, if that. Seeing that the ones I know of all cap percentage incentive at 120%-140%. C&S is pretty much a monopoly in the food wholesaling business, hence the only reason they even still exist. How much money do you expect to make working in a warehouse picking up boxes and putting them on pallets. I make an average of $25 an hour working for them to pick boxes up, put them on a pallet and wrap the pallet. Although extremely taxing on your body, not exactly a job that takes a lot of education and skill.
Also please note everyone who complains about companies that they USED to work for. Blah, blah, blah, I worked for this company and they were so great, then C&S took over and took all our benefits and pay and overtime and blah blah yadda yadda. Do you know why your company was taken over by C&S? BECAUSE THEY WERENT PROFITABLE. They weren't profitable because they didn't know what they were doing. Do you think if the company you worked for was making any kind of money to be worth staying open they would have sold out or went bankrupt? NO. STUPID. A good chunk of the companies that C&S takes over are purchased before BANKRUPTCY. MEANING THE PEOPLE RUNNING THE COMPANY DIDNT KNOW WHAT THEY WERE DOING. Or the union you were working for was sucking all their blood and they got sick of it. This blog is like a list of people who ask for a raise because the company they worked for had a good year. Here's a question. When the company gives you a raise because they had a good year, do you offer to take a decrease in pay the next year when they don't have a good year? No, you don't. 35% of public sector workers are in a union compared to %6 in private companies. Do you know why? Because the government pays for shit they cant afford just like all these old companies you USED to work for. Not to mention how many of those private companies that are union exist almost specifically just to handle GOVERNMENT contracts. Thanks, have a nice day.
Robert Bruce, you have no idea what you are talking about. Keep sucking up to the supervisors...maybe one day you will become one. Dare to dream about horrible health benefits, schedules, no 401k match, long hours, forced extra days, and no overtime pay. You are obviously a suck-up who has no clue about how SKILLED labor (heavy equipment operation, pallet construction, food safety, etc) used to be treated in this country.
Look around you...see any women or guys over 35 doing the job of a selector? Yea, there might be a few who are destroying their bodies daily, but the reason there are hardly any is because the job is so hard. It didn't used to was always tough, but not slave labor. Standards used to be attainable for most, not just the desperate 20 something yr old uneducated man who might last 6 mos if they are lucky.
C&S has had the highest turnover in the nation for years. Let that sink in. Turnover #'s approaching 200% some years. But no, everyone else is're the one who has it figured out. Master of dillusion.
Great work. Truly speaking I never seen a blog like that. Absolutely superb work. Good luck. Thanks for such an informative post.
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They not gonna help mr Cohen is a billionaire and who pays the lawmakers the billionaires do!
They not gonna help mr Cohen is a billionaire and who pays the lawmakers the billionaires do!
2018-19 And they seem to not care about the hardest workers always changi g ways company operate...I totally over it !!!!!
I have worked 5 14 hour days in a row....when I was leaving today, a manager was guarding the timeclock and told me I couldn't go home. Im going to claim a back injury because I cant do these fucking hours anymore.
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