Feb 18, 2008


Your rights as an employee of C&S Wholesale Grocers

  • You have an absolute right to Campaign for a Union.
You can do this during non-working times in non-work areas. Take time to do this and before and after work. Take advantage of situations when talking about other non-work topics is allowed -such as meetings when your manager strays off work-related subjects. This gives you the right to campaign orally for the union - even during work hours...hey the manager started it!

  • You have the right to distribute literature and to solicit cards.
Do this on your own time though, and do it in non-work areas...unless there is other non-work related bulletin boards with material such as want ads posted. Employers may not prohibit workers from wearing union buttons or t-shirts, so dig out your "look for the union label" t-shirts!

  • Any no-solicitation rules adopted by C&S Wholesale management may not discriminate against union activity.
Any privileges given to anti-union committees should be given to pro-union employees. In addition, off-work employees must normally be allowed access to parking lots and entrance gates, except in special circumstances. Arrive to work a little early. Hand out flyers to employees as they're pulling onto the entrances off Old Ferry road. Non-employee organizers can be barred from company premises in most circumstances, but organizers do have a first amendment right to distribute literature on public property.

Here's where the management at C&S Wholesale grocers are going to get antsy. They don't want to pay you more than the very minimum. C&S could care less about anything but a profit. They're going to try and scare you. Here are a few things that they will try that is against the law (can we say lawsuit?)
  • C&S is prohibited from spying on you while you are engaged in union activity. It is also against the law to create the impression that surveillance is occurring.
  • C&S is prohibited from interrogating you about your union sympathies.
They can debate the benefits of a union, (and God knows they will) but they may not take you aside and interrogate you at any time. It's always a good idea to memorize the record button on your cell phone, or to carry a digital recording device while you are organizing.

  • C&S is prohibited from making threats against you in any way!

Although management at C&S Wholesale may criticize and attack union benefits, hell they can even lie about them (and God knows they will even hire a union busting firm to come in and lie for them). It is against the law for management at C&S Wholesale to threaten to retaliate against you for supporting a union. Most people don't know this but, this includes threats to fire, layoff, close the facility, or take away benefits because the employees voted for a union.

  • C&S management is prohibited from bribing you.
They can't promise you a raise if you vote against.

  • Bargaining Order
C&S engages in a massive pattern of unfair labor practices, everyone who works there knows this. When the union proves majority support, the board may order the C&S to bargain despite a union election loss. This referred to "Gissell" order.

  • C &S Wholesale is prohibited from dominating support of a union
Management can not provide support to a particular union or employee group as a way of discouraging independent union activity, nor can the employer fund anti-union committees. Keep your eyes open for this one. There's going to be some little turd who's been promised something coming in with hand-outs bought with C&S money.

  • Know What to expect

    It is against the law for C&S Wholesale grocers to retaliate against you for participating in union proceedings.

    will be fired~ C&S is allowed to fire supervisors who support the union. It is against the law however for them to fire a supervisor for refusing to break any of the above laws.

    Undocumented Workers will be snitched on~ it is against the law for C&S to call in the Immigration and Naturalization Service to report pro union employees. C&S Wholesale management may not "interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees" in the exercise of their rights.
  • C&S Wholesale management may not discriminate against employees with regard to the tenure of their employment or any terms or conditions of employment in order to discourage union activity or concerted activity.

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